Greetings people,
This message is specifically for IMU M207 students. As the road gets tougher, we strive harder. Stop whining and regret instead lets put more effort in this journey as there's a greener road after walking for another 2 more days. No matter how little or how screwed up we are, always remember what Adam SAndler and Rob Scenider said, " YOU CAN DO IT!!!"
Can you really forgive someone who used to be close to you who talks behind your back?
I find it hard to do so.
Do you ever wonder what would happen if you took the road less taken. The road to the greener side of life? The road where there's real passion for something we believe in. I thought, what if i took the other road? Then i realise, no matter how good someone is, there'll always be someone who is better. It could be more challenging and unexpected, compare to the road that i'm taking now. It changes really fast with time. you need friends whose friends are the people who's currently in that line. you have to weigh other factors like the looks, how good you are, how could something captivates so many hearts until it remains in thier head for a long time.
It has been a while. Even with recent events, there's no inspiration. There's no drive for me to write. Is that the end? Am i really losing it, forever? Work is accumulating, more time is spent on work work and work. Will i ever write again? I don't want to lose this other half of me, which is the only thing i'm capable of doing. Could be a punishment from God, for misusing it for money, fame and glory.
As i shed a tear, trying so hard to write again. But i couldn't. How am i goin to let it out if i can't write. How am i going to let it go if it's stuck here, in my mind. I need to...this is the only way i can let my feelings out, yet it has failed me. How can i let it out, without feeling the same pain again everyday.
If a man could say what he had to say in words he would not bother trying to say it in music. ~Gustav Mahler
Things can be so unpredictable at times. As i am blogging here, i'm unsure of what others are doing at this time. Some could be struggling in life, some face problems that could affect him physically and mentally, and some could be so ignorant yet arrogant at the same time taking and causing others so much problem yet not knowing thier limits. Life is just unpredictable. Unfair? Unjustice? i'm not sure. But that's life. It's a simple word yet we can't define it.
~ My fingers sing for you today, but you are not there to listen ~
1st week of renal is here. And i have to revise on endocrine and reproduction system. 1 month left before the showdown. >.<